Running BlogEngine.Net on a GoDaddy site

So I thought I'd post a little something about getting this blog up and running.  I chose to use BlogEngine.Net based on the recommendations of some colleagues, and because it had a strong set of features and it is written in .Net, which I have familiarity with.  So that's great.  I chose to set up a hosting account with that company famous for their sponsorship of the #10 NASCAR car and for their Super Bowl ads, GoDaddy. 

GoDaddy offers BlogEngine.Net as one of the applications that they can install.  That worked smoothly.  I set up a sub-domain and installed BlogEngine.Net in to the root of the new sub-domain site.  Smooth, slick, no trouble.  I waited a few minutes for everything to settle, and was greeted with a  fresh blog site. That's when the fun began.  I found that when I logged in and attempted to do any work under the Administration section I would receive an error that looked like this

Yuck... Clicking any of the Administration settings would result in that error.. Of course the GoDaddy support couldn't help me with the application error... So debug time.  I turned off the Friendly Error Messages in the site's Web.config section and was greeted by a Security Exception:

Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

Source Error:

Line 4: @{
Line 5: App_Code.WebUtils.CheckRightsForAdminPagesPages(false);
Line 6: string loginUrl = Href(Utils.RelativeWebRoot + "Account/login.aspx");
Line 7: var userRights = Security.CurrentUserRights().Select(r => r.Flag).ToArray();
Line 8: }

A little help from the BlogEngine.Net forums pointed me to the IIS ASP.Net trust level.  It needed to be set to "Full", but the default was set to "Medium".  I navigated to the settings for my Sub-domain in the Plesk manager that GoDaddy uses, and found the ASP.Net settings:

And Changed the CAS Trust level to Full:

And... TADA! magic, my Admin section was now working without troubles.

From there I was able to go through and set up the blog settings I wanted, uploaded a Theme, and began blogging away!

First Post and other stuff

So This is my new blog, it's going to focus on technical computer/programming/TFS things I run in to in the course of my normal life.. you see I work as a IT Consultant for Polaris Solutions.  In that line of work, there is always something new to learn, try, or break.  So I hope to post some good information here that can help others along the way. 

I have worked as a .Net developer for many years, and more recently have been getting my hands dirty working with Team Foundation Server.  I also like to dabble on the side with some mobile development on my Windows Phone, and have had fun recently fooling around with Azure and how Microsoft's tools there can be leveraged in the Mobile development space. 

So, I think that will give me plenty of areas to draw from.  I am also starting up my training for the Chicago Marathon this October, so I'll try not to let too much complaining about training workouts bleed in to here too much!


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